
How To Create a Successful LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is great way to network in your industry as well as seek internship and job opportunities. It is like the professional version of Facebook. Your LinkedIn profile is like an online resume, which is meant for you to showcase your talents, accomplishments, and experiences in a professional manner. So what does it take to...


Questions You Should be Asking in an Interview

Never walk into an interview without being prepared to ask your interviewer a handful of questions. Your interviewer will almost always ask you if you have any questions for them and you will look foolish and unprepared if you don’t have the right questions to ask. Here are a few questions you can use while...


Sponsorship Spotlight: Watts Digital

At the end of each month on a Tuesday, Triangle Marketing Club hosts a wonderful networking event; which allows current marketers from the Raleigh/Durham area and surrounding areas to meet with potential marketers and students. On top of all that, they also have amazing appetizers, refreshing drinks, and informative guest speakers. Organizing an event like...


Trends in Marketing: 2016 Predictions and Outcomes

2016 has been quite the year for most of us. We’ve walked miles for Pokémon GO, struggled for better streaming quality, and watched debates that changed the course of the nation forever.  Thankfully however, the year is over, and we can reflect on what’s happened and how it affects us, particularly in the marketing sector....


Your January Speaker, Grant Crowell

Are you in charge of a social media program or a manager/ business owner trying to make sense of the social media landscape? Does social media leave you feeling easily distracted and looks like your day is disappearing down a rabbit hole? Are you constantly reaching for your smartphone in the middle of something important?...


Why #TMCTonight

Are you interested in meeting talented professionals from the Triangle area? Or, learning about awesome topics to incorporate within your skillset? Then Triangle Marketing Club may be the perfect place for you! There are endless opportunities within this organization, and I can promise that if you attend one of these monthly events, you will leave...


Sponsorship Spotlight: Scott Evans

Triangle Marketing Club, the premiere networking event for marketers in and around the Triangle area, recognize that there are special driving forces behind each monthly meeting—our club sponsors. Sponsors come from varying areas of expertise, providing a wide range of diversity to the club members. The majority of sponsors are in the marketing field, some...


Sponsorship Spotlight: DCD Marketing

At the end of each month, Triangle Marketing Club hosts a fabulous networking event allowing current marketers from companies all over the state to meet with the next generation of marketers, building relationships during an evening of appetizers and guest speakers. Organizing such events takes a great deal of dedication, and we would like to...


10 Quick Tips About Networking

By now we all are familiar with the phrase “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” We hear it all the time from everyone we speak to but, not all of us are pros at networking. Networking isn’t just connecting with a few people a day on LinkedIn, it is a start at...


Sponsorship Spotlight: Proforma Springboard Promotions

Without the help of our sponsors, the Triangle Marketing Club would not be able to hold such great events each month. Proforma Springboard Promotions is one of our amazing sponsors. They provide the Triangle Marketing Club with branded merchandise like name badge lanyards, registration table throws, presenter gifts, and they always have spectacular giveaway items...