TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Christoph Trappe

TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Christoph Trappe

Triangle Marketing Club is excited to host Christoph Trappe, career storyteller and global keynote speaker. Christoph will speak at our next event on August 22nd! His interactive presentation will bring us insight on crafting the right story to bring your marketing efforts to life. The Interview  Before every event, we conduct an interview with the speaker to bring our members some...


How Triangle Marketing Club Helped Me Get a Job in 30 Days

Last month, my position was eliminated. It wasn’t me, it wasn’t them—our clients’ needs had changed. I had 30 days before I’d be unemployed. I needed a new role, and fast. But I wouldn’t take just anything—I have specific skills and interests. To find the right role quickly, I needed to penetrate the impersonal fortress...


Sponsorship Spotlight: Oak City Properties

If you’ve ever attended a Triangle Marketing Club event, you’ve definitely noticed how evident our appreciation and admirability for our sponsors is. Without our sponsors, it is hard to imagine what TMC would be like. It is their generosity and support that allows for such wonderful events every month, so we would like to now...


TMC February Recap: Douglas Burdett

Have you networked lately? Triangle Marketing Club had its second event of the year Tuesday of last week. As a member of the TMC audience, you probably saw a lot of familiar things at the event like name badges, refreshments from Compass Rose Brewery and Marcos Pizza, and of course, networking. However, you may have...

TMC May Recap: Michael Barber

TMC May Recap: Michael Barber

Triangle Marketing Club hosts fun networking events for marketers in the triangle where they can come together once a month and learn from nationally known speakers. We are especially thankful to BP Studios for bringing us the talented Michael Barber to speak at this event! Although the weather outside was gray at our past event, we...


Introducing TMC’s New Webinar Series

Have you ever missed a TMC event you were really looking forward to? Do you ever wish you could see the highlights of the presentation on your own time? Now you can! We are introducing a new Webinar Series called “What You Need to Know”! This is your chance to hear some great advice from brilliant...

TMC April Recap: Cait Smith

TMC April Recap: Cait Smith

Did you miss our April event? Triangle Marketing Club had yet another awesome event with many talented marketers, students, and a lot of networking. We had some new flavors from Compass Rose Brewery and cheesy bread from Marcos Pizza as our snack for the evening. This event was a little bittersweet as we said farewell...


What’s in a Name? Branding With Your Name

  Do you often introduce yourself to someone by a certain name to make life easier? Is your name unique? Names are very powerful. They distinguish you from every other person out there. Some names are more common than others, which is why we have surnames. A name can get pretty complex. It is the...