JP Sherman Recap

JP Sherman Recap

On March 27, TMC hosted JP Sherman of Red Hat who spent the evening talking about ways to optimize your on-site search. Currently, JP works as a Search & Findability Manager at the company. He has even created a search engine for video games. Why does search matter? First and foremost, a search is a...

by April 4, 2018April 4, 2018
January Recap Blog

January Recap Blog

On January 30, TMC hosted not one, but two speakers: Laurie Ruettimann and Kristen Douglas to speak about Trends for Attracting & Retaining Talent in 2018. The two offered opinions from an HR point of view as well as a recruiter’s. We like to have fun at TMC so once everyone got comfy and a...

by February 11, 2018February 11, 2018
Common Misconceptions About Networking

Common Misconceptions About Networking

Common Misconceptions About Networking Networking. It is something done so frequently in business that many people think they know the best way to go about doing it. Do you rush up and shake as many hands as you can at a place? Or perhaps, do you try to collect every business card someone has on...

by December 21, 2017December 21, 2017
Origins of Using Santa Claus in Advertising

Origins of Using Santa Claus in Advertising

With Christmas right around the corner, now would be an appropriate time to dive into the history of Santa Claus in advertising. Who gets the credit here? Did the Coca-Cola Company create the figure we know today as Saint Nicholas? Or perhaps, was Coke the first one to utilize Father Christmas in the advertisements? The...

by December 1, 2017December 1, 2017
October Recap: Martin Weinberg

October Recap: Martin Weinberg

Triangle Marketing Club strives to bring individuals with similar interests together once a month to exchange marketing understandings from guest speakers. These speakers offer interactive presentations, engaging conversations, and provide industry-specific content to those in attendance. On Tuesday night, October 24, TMC held an event coupled with free craft beer, cheesy bread from Marco’s and a...

by November 7, 2017November 8, 2017