Video Story Telling Tips

Video Story Telling Tips

Vlogging, documentaries, and short films are the new age way of telling great stories in any industry. A story is a true way to capture any type of audiences attention as they usually have relevant points to the viewers life. Just like back in the day short story writing in elementary school you should still...

February Recap Blog

February Recap Blog

On February 27th, Triangle Marketing Club hosted Lia Reich, Vice President of Marketing and Communications of PrecisionHawk. To begin the night one of our sponsors, Live Nation of The Carolina’s Region hosted a give away for summer concert tickets in Raleigh. Following this, Zonkd, provided their Better Well Known pitch and was able to connect...

Mobile App Development Experience

Mobile App Development Experience

Want a closer look on my mobile app development experience? Jump into this blog with me as I explain the steps and stages I’ve been taking as an intern with TMC to help develop our mobile application. The new TMC app puts our website in the palm of your hand, easing the way to RSVPs...

Sponsor Spotlight: Marshall Multimedia

Sponsor Spotlight: Marshall Multimedia

Marshall Multimedia is a video production company located in Wake Forest, North Carolina. As a Platinum Sponsor of Triangle Marketing Club, we couldn’t thank Marshall Multimedia enough for the support. Thank you Erik Woodard for your time, knowledge, and contributions. “We are a video content strategy and production company… we’re a bit of a Frankenstein,...

Why Project Management is Important as a Marketer?

Why Project Management is Important as a Marketer?

  As a marketer, many people view us as the front of the business. As to our knowledge, what is seen and what attracts customers is on our plate. However many people do not realize how much strategy and organization is poured into the process on the way. Each marketing operation has a specific plan...